KonMari Closet Reset

After identifying your lifestyle vision, the first category of the KonMari process is clothing. Follow these 6 steps for your closet reset!

Pile Up: Remove all contents from closet and pile onto bed or open space. Remove items that are not clothing, shoes, or accessories. Next gather all clothing items from elsewhere in the home or car and add to the pile. Finally clean closet space for a fresh start.

Subcategorize: Separate the entire pile into subcategories (pants, shirts, socks, scarves, etc) and group these in their own stack or container for clear visual boundaries. This division will be especially good for cataloguing how many/what color of each type of item you have.

Joy Check: Specific to Marie Kondo’s method, this step is the most transformative and deserves your full attention. Start with clothing and move through shoes, all worn accessories (including handbags), then jewelry. As you hold each item, register it’s joy factor for you. Does it make you smile? Protect you from the elements? Provide comfort? Set “keepsake” items aside for the sentimental category.

Keep and Discard: As you joy check each item, place “keep” subcategories in one area. “Discard” items should be thanked for their service (verbally or mentally) and placed together in boxes or bags. Decide what destinations the discard items will go to (local donations, gifted to someone, sold), and label accordingly. Place all discard items by your front door and commit to letting them go ASAP.

Take Stock: You will now have a defined amount of “keep” items for each category. Review these groups and make a list of anything essential that is missing. Did all of your pants go to “discard” because your style, job, or the climate you live in changed? Next assess and measure your closet space and add any needed shelving, hangers, or bin items to the list.

Put it Together: First replace the hung clothing items. If items have previously become misshapen on hangers, consider folding or rolling. Next store folded items in drawers or bins/baskets on shelves. Vertical folding is an excellent choice for space maximization, visibility, and rotation. Finally put shoes and all accessories away. Use racks and containers for each category. If jewelry is included, display in a way that sparks joy and is easily accessible!
